
Andie MacDowell struts the streets in a chic casual dress, with her gorgeous silvery hair framing her makeup-free face

A beloved actor since she first appeared on the screen in the 1980’s, Andie MacDowell, once known for her distinctive curly brown locks, is now advocating for gray pride as a silver-haired starlet.

Gracefully aging, MacDowell said she likes to “compare herself to George Clooney, because why not?”

Andie MacDowell (Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

Andie MacDowell, a senior citizen since she her birthday on April 21, is a 65-year-old natural beauty, who’s got nothing to hide.

Starting her career as a model with high-fashion brands like Armani, Yves St Laurent and Calvin Klein, the southern belle made her screen debut in 1984’s Greystroke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes. Because her drawl was too pronounced for the role of Jane in the Oscar-nominated film, MacDowell acted but her voice was dubbed by Glenn Close.

The soft-spoken glamorous actor then wowed audiences with a supporting role on St Elmo’s Fire, playing alongside the close-knit Brat Pack.


She then appeared in Steven Soderbergh’s directorial debut Sex, Lies & Videotape (1989), a role that earned her a first Golden Globe nomination.


But it’s perhaps her starring role with Bill Murray in Groundhog Day (1983), a film that’s influenced popular culture decades later, that started her commercial success, which was elevated more after the comedy Four Weddings and a Funeral (1984) with Hugh Grant.


Known as a method actor, MacDowell went on to appear in in a range of roles in films like Harrison’s Flowers and the family TV series Cedar Cove.

Not surprising, MacDowell–with her beautiful brown locks–was selected to promote L’Oréal hair products in TV commercials.

MacDowell, who was recently spotted in Cannes on a casual outing, proudly shows her make-up free face that’s framed by her now gray-silvery hair, that was tied into a low bun.

The Green Card actor, who was in the city for the 76th Cannes film festival, was boasting her natural beauty, in a comfortable white striped mini dress, that she paired with brown and black platform heels along with dark shades.

MacDowell earlier said that she embraced the coming of her gray locks during Covid. “At the very beginning of quarantine, my hair started growing and every time my kids would see me, they kept telling me I looked badass with my gray hair,” she said in an interview with Vogue. “When I pulled it up in a bun, all you could see was the salt and pepper, which is what I am, you know, dark and silver. I like to compare myself to George Clooney because why not? I’ve been saying for a while now it was time for me, personally, to make that transition because I felt like it was appropriate for my personality and just who I am.”


And despite her managers saying that “It’s not time” for her to go gray, she said, “I’m going to be more powerful if I embrace where I am right now. It’s time…If I don’t do it now, I won’t have the chance to be salt and pepper. I always wanted to be salt and pepper!”

In 2022, McaDowell posted a photo of her cover on Style magazine, flaunting her gray hair and natural look. She captioned it, “As we age, we deserve dignity and pride.” She continued, “We deserve to feel glorious! I’ve always said there’s no expiration date on beauty.”


Teen with Down syndrome breaks down in tears after being named Homecoming Queen

Teen with Down syndrome breaks down in tears after being named Homecoming Queen

A teenage girl was left visibly shocked after hearing that she had been named her school’s homecoming queen in footage that is sure to touch hearts around the world.

According to reports, Emma Wright was awarded the distinction by the student body at East Forsyth High School in North Carolina.

The 18-year-old was among nearly a dozen girls vying for the title of homecoming queen. Together, they gathered on the school’s football field for the big announcement, and when it came, the moment was every bit as tear-jerking as one might imagine…

By all accounts, Emma Wright is popular among her classmates at East Forsyth High School. The 18-year-old has Down syndrome, but she’s never let that stand in the way of being a positive, friendly presence in the institution’s halls.

Even so, she couldn’t hide her shock after she was handed the honor of being named her school’s homecoming queen for this year.

As per reports, Emma joined a number of other girls in contention for the prestigious accolade, while her father was stood by her side as the results from the school’s student body were read out.

Footage of the event has now made its way to the internet, showing the exact moment Emma heard her name being called. The teenager, who is also on her school’s cheerleading team, immediately broke down in tears.

“So amazing,” she told WXII12. “I started crying as soon as they read out my name.”


The Surprising Psychology Behind Mismatched Couples!

Contrast couples, where one partner significantly differs physically from the other, have long intrigued psychologists.

At the core, these relationships challenge our inherent biases towards homogamy – the tendency to choose partners similar to ourselves.

Delving into the psychology, attraction to differences might be rooted in compensatory desires.

For instance, a tall individual might be drawn to a shorter partner for their perceived agility or delicacy, while the shorter person could admire the towering presence and the feeling of security it provides.

Similarly, in cases of distinct weight differences, it could be about balancing personal insecurities or challenging societal beauty standards.

Often, these unions serve as subconscious attempts to find equilibrium; the contrasting traits in a partner might compensate for what one feels they lack.

Ultimately, the human psyche is vast and complex.

Attraction is multifaceted and extends beyond physical attributes, emphasizing the depth and intricacy of our emotional and psychological needs.


Mom breastfeeds 5-year-old daughter because she thinks her milk is medicine

A mom who still breastfeeds her 5-year-old daughter before and after school every day claims her milk is so good it has stopped her children from getting sick.

Emma Shardlow Hudson, 29, breastfeeds daughter Alex and son Ollie, 2, in between other meals and sometimes in tandem.

When Alex started nursery school, Emma claims her daughter didn’t pick up any of the same coughs and sniffles as the other children and Emma put it down to her breastmilk.

Alex usually breastfeeds once in the morning and once in the evening and while the little girl can go days without milk she will always want some when she needs comforting.

Britain’s National Health Service recommends that all babies be exclusively breastfed until at least six months old.

Emma said: “It’s one of the biggest achievements of my life for sure, being able to nurture a child with my own body.

“It’s a completely selfless thing to do, but it’s probably the hardest thing I have ever done in my life too.

“Before Alex was born, I wasn’t sure if it was a normal thing to breastfeed for so long.


A woman was terrified! Black marks mysteriously always appeared in the kitchen

Black dots were inexplicably appearing in a woman’s kitchen, which alarmed her.

The woman wondered why she still had blackheads in her kitchen after asking the internet community. He couldn’t believe it might be “spider droppings.” “Does anyone have any idea what these points might be?” she asked on a Facebook group.


“They first appeared on the kitchen tiles, then on top of the PC we kept in the kitchen this morning.”

“Look over it and you will probably find a canvas/spider,” someone wrote to him.

“Spiders” do not leave solid excrement; instead, their excrement is thick and liquid, and resembles ink stains, which commonly appear on walls and surfaces, according to the Pest Guidance website. In most circumstances, dark splashes or droplets are to be expected.


“These droppings contain a mixture of food and other residual components that the spider’s body releases.”

Many people’s greatest dread is spiders. Spiders cause more consternation than mice, birds, flies, cockroaches, or other public health concerns.

Most people, illogically, believe that spiders will attack without warning, plunging their venomous fangs into any adult or child in close vicinity, and that the subsequent spider bite will be painful and lethal.

Knowledgeable PMPs are unable to persuade some individuals that mice, flies, and a variety of other indoor pests pose larger harm to human health than spiders, owing to food contamination.

Some entomologists, however, have questioned the health benefits of spider droppings…

Usually when inspecting the filth in the bottom of a container containing a “pet” spider like a black widow spider.


Couple met online – their fourth date happened as she gave birth to her child

Everyone has a unique story of how they met, but it does not get any more novel than the story of young Alyssa and Max. The teenage girl did not expect to meet anyone online, let alone what transpired in the next few weeks.

Keep reading to know more about what happened!

When 19-year-old Alyssa Jane was 25 weeks pregnant, she decided she wanted to try out the world of online dating. She met Max on Tinder and the couple hit it off quickly. Max was a laid-back 25-year-old old and the sparks flew instantly.

“I didn’t want to lead anyone on, so I was being open and honest,” she says about divulging she’s pregnant early on. “I wanted them to know what they were getting into right off the bat,” she said. While Max said it was out of character for him, he said, “Normally I wouldn’t swipe right on a pregnant girl, but there was just something about her.”

The first date went pretty well and they soon found themselves making plans for the next one. After their third date, Max had to go out of town for a while and they decided when he was back Alyssa would pick him from the airport and they would have their fourth date.

That’s when things got a little wild. Alyssa had a doctor’s appointment before their fourth date when she found out her water had broken and that she was in labor. The teenager made some tough decisions.

She texted Max, she recalled, “I texted him and said I’m so sorry you’re going to have to find your own way home, I am stuck at the hospital, my waters have broken and he instantly said ok the second I get home I’m going to unpack and I’m going to come visit you.”


She shared what happened next. Max was there for her the entire time! She said, “My mum happened to be away on holiday and so Max continued stay with me for the entire week that I had contractions and every time I thought I was in labor he would bring me into the hospital and drive me back home — he took the whole week off work to stay with me.”


At the 35-week mark, Alyssa developed an infection and doctors shared that they would have to induce labor right away. Her mother, best friend, and Max were right by her side in the hospital.

Max was by her side throughout proving to be a rock throughout the situation. She said, “I was a little bit nervous because I was by myself, and I was also worried that — okay, yes I want him as a support person, but what if we end up breaking up in a week’s time?”


And surprisingly enough, Max embraced the role of being a dad to the little boy. Ollie was born and Max was by Alyssa’s side throughout the process, even when the little boy was in the NICU for a few days after his premature birth. Becuase of his constant presence, hospital staff confused him for the father and even allowed him to be in the maternity unit because of it. Alyssa recalled, “He didn’t protest when they did call him Dad,” adding, “He just went along with it.”


His willingness to be called ‘Dad’ at the hospital showed how committed her was to Alyssa and her son. After Alyssa was discharged from the hospital, Max even took a week off work to help care for the newborn baby. He helped Alyssa transition into motherhood by being by her side!

Now the couple are engaged to one another! And on top of that, the couple has welcomed another bundle of joy to their family; a little girl named Autumn.

The family now shares their lives and story with people on TikTok. One person commented on the story, “The nurses called it, he’s definitely the dad.” “Can we all share Max?! This is just the sweetest! I hope you marry this man someday!” exclaimed another person, while another wrote, “Girls don’t ever expect anything less! Max is the bar. Find yourselves a Max also!”

The couple has such a sweet story that inspires hope! What do you think of their unconventional courtship? Let us know in the comments!


One American grandpa built a dream house in a village and made his grandchildren’s dream come true

Let’s look at the house this grandpa built in a remote village!

His grandchildren were left speechless when they saw the final result!

During our carefree childhood years, we dream of experiencing adventures, exploring new and interesting places, and living in a village house surrounded by nature. But what to do when you don’t have enough money to buy one?

One grandpa from America is determined to make the cherished dream of his grandchildren come true. He started working and didn’t even imagine that the house would turn out to be so amazing and captivating.

He worked hard and diligently regularly. As a result of his efforts and determination, he managed to build a 12-meter-high house of which many a child would only dream of.

He built it entirely on his own. The final results delighted his grandchildren and they were left completely pleased and satisfied. It was nothing but a pleasure to enter the house and spend time there. It is now their game zone too


Donnie Wahlberg hands single mom jaw-dropping tip at IHOP – tells her “open it when we leave”

With the way the world is today, it’s hardly a surprise many people are forced to work their fingers to the bone just to get by.

You’ve likely heard plenty about those individuals who try to take advantage of the system; the small few who seem to glide by without working, somehow managing to stay afloat without working, benefitting from the kindness of others.

With the way the world is today, it’s hardly a surprise many people are forced to work their fingers to the bone just to get by.

You’ve likely heard plenty about those individuals who try to take advantage of the system; the small few who seem to glide by without working, somehow managing to stay afloat without working, benefitting from the kindness of others.

Bethany signed a lease for a new apartment in The Magic City, and was able to secure a job at a local IHOP thanks to her 25 years in the customer service industry.
Even so, she knew times were set to be tight for a while – by all accounts, she hadn’t been able to furnish her new apartment properly for lack of funds.

Then, one day close to the turn of the year, a celebrity couple strolled into the IHOP where Bethany was working and sat down in her section of the restaurant.

Bethany quickly recognized the man as none other than singer-songwriter Donnie Wahlberg, accompanied by his wife, Jenny McCarthy.

As per reports, Bethany could hardly contain her excitement. New Kids on the Block, the band Donnie was in, was one of the waitresses favorites, and she had always had a special fondness for Donnie himself.

As a result, Bethany was over the moon to be serving him. What she didn’t know, was just how much of an impact that day was set to have on her life.

When Donnie and his family had finished their lunch, the singer paid their $35.27 check, and left a message for Bethany to read on the receipt. Beside a hand-drawn smiley face, it read: “Thanks, Bethany, Happy New Year2020 Tip Challenge.”

Donnie reportedly asked Bethany not to open the receipt until he and his wife had left the IHOP. Bethany did as she was told, but was left absolutely stunned when she eventually unfolded the receipt to see that Donnie had left her and her coworkers a tip to the tune of $2,020!



Debra Winger, whose performances in the 1980’s are etched in our hearts, is stunning at 67

Debra Winger: The Hollywood Star Who Marches to Her Own Beat

Debra Winger, the iconic actress known for her roles in ‘Urban Cowboy,’ ‘An Officer and a Gentleman,’ and ‘Terms of Endearment,’ has had a career that’s been as enigmatic as it has been successful. In her early days, she was celebrated for her talent and earned numerous accolades from the Academy and Golden Globes. However, her abrupt hiatus from Hollywood led to widespread speculation.

Winger, a free spirit both on and off-screen, was known for her clashes with co-stars and her refusal to conform to Hollywood norms. Her legendary feuds with Richard Gere on the set of “An Officer and a Gentleman” are well-documented. Despite their onscreen chemistry, behind the scenes, they couldn’t stand each other.

It wasn’t just Gere who rubbed Winger the wrong way. She also clashed with Shirley MacLaine while filming “Terms of Endearment.” Rumors of their feud and even a physical altercation circulated.

Winger’s decision to step away from Hollywood in the mid-’90s was often linked to her difficulties with co-stars and directors. However, she insists it was more a personal choice than a professional one. She wanted to be challenged, and her life presented more significant challenges than the roles Hollywood was offering.

During her hiatus, Winger moved to New York City, married actor Arliss Howard, and embraced motherhood. She became a stepmother to Howard’s son and also had a son with him.

Winger eventually returned to the screen, taking on various roles that showcased her exceptional acting skills. Her performances in films like “Rachel Getting Married,” “The Lovers,” and “Kajillionaire” earned her critical acclaim.

In 2021, she starred in a segment of the anthological drama film “With/In,” written and directed by her husband, Arliss Howard. Winger’s unconventional path and willingness to live life on her terms have made her a unique presence in Hollywood.

While Debra Winger may not be your typical Hollywood star, her talent, determination, and ability to challenge the status quo have cemented her legacy as an actress who marches to her own beat. Fans and admirers of her work continue to celebrate her contributions to the world of cinema.


This is good Girlsss

Good Girls is an American crime comedy-drama television series that follows the lives of three suburban mothers who resort to robbing a supermarket and get involved with a crime boss and the FBI.

The series was created by Jenna Bans and aired for four seasons on NBC, from February 26, 2018, to July 22, 2021.

[2] It stars Christina Hendricks, Retta, and Mae Whitman as the main characters, along with a supporting cast that includes Reno Wilson, Manny Montana, Lidya Jewett, Isaiah Stannard, and Matthew Lillard.[3][4] The series was executive-produced by Bans, Dean Parisot, and Jeannine Renshaw, for Universal Television.