
A woman was terrified! Black marks mysteriously always appeared in the kitchen

Black dots were inexplicably appearing in a woman’s kitchen, which alarmed her.

The woman wondered why she still had blackheads in her kitchen after asking the internet community. He couldn’t believe it might be “spider droppings.” “Does anyone have any idea what these points might be?” she asked on a Facebook group.


“They first appeared on the kitchen tiles, then on top of the PC we kept in the kitchen this morning.”

“Look over it and you will probably find a canvas/spider,” someone wrote to him.

“Spiders” do not leave solid excrement; instead, their excrement is thick and liquid, and resembles ink stains, which commonly appear on walls and surfaces, according to the Pest Guidance website. In most circumstances, dark splashes or droplets are to be expected.


“These droppings contain a mixture of food and other residual components that the spider’s body releases.”

Many people’s greatest dread is spiders. Spiders cause more consternation than mice, birds, flies, cockroaches, or other public health concerns.

Most people, illogically, believe that spiders will attack without warning, plunging their venomous fangs into any adult or child in close vicinity, and that the subsequent spider bite will be painful and lethal.

Knowledgeable PMPs are unable to persuade some individuals that mice, flies, and a variety of other indoor pests pose larger harm to human health than spiders, owing to food contamination.

Some entomologists, however, have questioned the health benefits of spider droppings…

Usually when inspecting the filth in the bottom of a container containing a “pet” spider like a black widow spider.

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