
Comedian Refuses to Apologize, Insists that AOC “Sounds Like an Idiot”

Adam Carolla is known to many as “The Podfather” because he’s the first guy who really started podcasting in the way it’s now known, starting his show way ahead of the curve. He also got Joe Rogan, now one of the top and most famous podcasters in the world, to start his show.

Recently, however, Carolla was in the news not for his being the guy that got podcasting going, but for savagely mocking Rep. AOC on his podcast, the Adam Carolla Show, joking that people wouldn’t care what AOC had to say if she were unattractive. In his words:

“If she was in her 60s and husky, nobody would listen to a word she ever said because she sounds like an idiot.”
That’s a claim he’s made before. Speaking with Hannity back in February, Carolla said:
“Here’s a quick thought experiment: If AOC was fat and in her 60s, would anyone listen to another thing she ever said?

“[S]he’s young, she’s vibrant, she’s beautiful, and everyone’s always putting a camera and a mic in her face. But her opinions are idiotic 95 percent of the time. And I don’t think, if she was a middle-aged heavy-set woman, anyone would care what she had to say.”

Watch him make the recent version of the claim about AOC and her looks here:

Those comments led to outrage that came largely from the left, with John Stossel noting two instances of that outrage in a recent opinion piece of his, saying:

“Predatory!” said “Majority Report’s” Emma Vigeland.

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