
NAACP Demands Business Owner Takes Down Billboard, Owner Responds Accordingly

To play off the entire NFL player protest of the national anthem, a range owner in southern New Jersey has posted a billboard that reads, “The only time we take a knee.” Along with the words, the billboard shows an image of a person all in black holding a . Because this billboard is subtly mocking NFL players who are taking a knee to raise of police and , liberals in the area are .

Some have even started calling the range video “.”

But the range owner has come out to say that the sign has nothing to do with race or in the United States. Wesley Aducat, the owner of the South Jersey Club, said:

Although the range owner attests that his advertisement does not have anything to do with race, locals are still .One person named MoNeke Ragsdale snapped a picture of the billboard and turned to Twitter to “expose” Aducat’s “” sign.

“Please call! This billboard on Rt. 73 in Voorhees. Tell them this billboard is . Taking a knee is a protest to say NO to police . The women of SJWPC are taking a knee to support black and brown people. Take it down! The manager is Carmen Console: 609-704-9500.”

Although Aducat wishes that every NFL player would stand during the anthem, he supports the players’ right to protest. It says it is their first amendment right to do so. But for the members of his club, many of whom are veterans, Aducat sees firsthand how hurtful and the NFL protest is.

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